roscoe and desoto villains wiki
The name of the actor who gave the voice of Francis in. ALIAS. Roscoe was voiced by Taurean Blacque and DeSoto was voiced by Carl Weintraub. Hag & Werewolf | Bullwhip | Amphibia Villains | Tauren Blacque (Roscoe)Carl Weintraub (DeSoto) Roscoe nearly bites Fagin's hand when he tries to pet him. Elmyra Duff (from Tiny Toon Adventures) as Jenny Foxworth. Roscoe and Desoto No information Carla Santini | Pony Sugrue | Ashley Davidson was a villainess who appeared In british soap opera Hollyoaks appearing In nine episodes from 7 September to 19 October 2015. Tron Villains | Flotsam and Jetsam will return in The Power of Music. Kill Oliver and Dodger (failed). The attraction's story focuses on Mickey Mouse TBA The show is located on the waters of the Rivers of America at Disneyland and on a stage across the waterway. PORTRAYED BY. Later, when Fagin goes to talk to Sykes about getting his money from Oliver's owner awkwardly, Roscoe and DeSoto attack Fagin, after Sykes orders them to do so with a snap of his fingers, but Dodger leaps forward and fights the dogs, taking severe (but invisible) injuries. Shan Yu | I find that funny." Shadow Demons | The Jim Henson Company Villains' Defeats. They both come off as smooth-talking, mobster-like goons who don't mind playing with their victims. Roscoe nearly bites Fagin's hand when he tries to pet him. Eli Squinch | Mortimer Mouse | Delancy Brothers | Gideon | Oswald Gardner | Runt & Company- Played by Scar He is the son of Steele and Belladonna and the brother of Roscoe and Zsa Zsa Labrador. Their desired ends are mostly good, but their means of getting there are evil. He is one of Master Shifu's students, Mr. Ping's adoptive son, Li Shan's biological son, and the Dragon Warrior. Julius | Occupation Vermithrax Pejorative | Lucifer (2015) | Sykes put his dogs to rid of Plankton, but he put his newest creation, Darrel, to kill the dogs. Jacob Marley | Tramp leads them, along with his second in commandDodgerand recruitsPongo, Perdita,Copper,Spot, andBolt. Chief | H. U. Hennessy | Marina Del Rey | Aaron Burr | DreamWorks Animation Villains' Defeats. Tom, Dick, Stanley & Walter | Nathaniel Flint | Beast (2017) | Comanche Chief | Throughout much of the novel Sikes is shadowed by his “ bull-terrier” dog Bull's-eye. Arthur | Hunters | When Francis insults Roscoe, he loses his temper. Maleficent (2014) | Hamilton Villains | Cloak & Dagger | Cufflingk and Underlingk | Flotsam and Jetsam appear in the2007 stage musical adaptation ofThe Little Mermaid, but unlike the film, they are electric eels instead of moray eels. He is voiced by Chazz Palminteri with Jess Harnell doing his singing voice. Fagin manages to save Jenny while Oliver and Dodger fight off Sykes. 20th Century Studios Villains | Einstein is a Great Dane and a character from Disney's Oliver & Company. Jenny is thrown onto the hood of Sykes' car and Fagin tries to snatch her back while the dogs (mostly Tito) drive. Flirting with Rita (Roscoe only).Eating cats (DeSoto only). Merlock | The King (2017) | Judge Doom | Prince John (1952) | Captain Katt | Mezmeron as Fagin. Diablo the Raven | The crime boss Bill Sykes was prowling a neighborhood, searching for an item sought by his newest acquaintance. Mr. Skinner | Tramp shows Lady what her life could be without her humans, but is that life for her? Don't miss this heartwarming tale as Lady and Tramp learn the true meaning of friendship and family. 101 Dalmatians Villains | Arawn | Scar | Oliver is brave, caring, friendly, kind, and cute. Both dogs hesitate, knowing that they can't take on the whole gang. Lion | George McKinzie | When Dodger and the gang sneak into the warehouse, one of the dogs, Georgette, screams because of a broken nail, alerting Roscoe and DeSoto. Beagle Boys | DeSoto in particular tells Oliver he likes to eat cats. Outside, Sykes honks his horn again outside for the dogs to return to the car and Roscoe and DeSoto leave reluctantly, with Roscoe swearing retaliation; starting with Oliver. Roscoe and DeSoto. Let's Go Luna! Kakamora | TO BE ADDED! Tony Perkis | Bruton | Later, DeSoto is the first to smell them, informing Roscoe. Reuben | Miners | Roscoe appears more as Dodger's archenemy while DeSoto appears more as Oliver's archenemy. Lyle Tiberius Rourke | Te Kā | Hnup Wan | John Ricketts | Grace Goodwin | Lana Thomas | Jafar (2019) | Roscoe and DeSoto are villains who are originally from Oliver & Company. They were cold, and ferocious, and vicious to animals. Based on the character of Bill Sikes from Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist, he is a ruthless crime boss and loan shark who operates out of the docks of New York City. Abdullah | He is a follower of Twitch and Madame Mousey, and is voiced by Joe Lala. Then, he orders Roscoe and DeSoto to sniff around the place for intruders after hearing a noise. Simon Bar Sinister | Borra | Hunter | Edit. Pain and Panic are the sidekicks of Hades and the secondary antagonists in Disney's Hercules, minor characters in it's midquel Hercules: Zero to Hero, and recurring characters in the TV Show. Lady Tremaine | Roscoe and DeSoto are the secondary antagonists in the Disney 's 1988 animated feature film, Oliver & Company. Mr. Wesley | in Prequel vs Sequel Villains, The Yosemite Sam Haters in Prequel vs Sequel Villains, Xanatos's Alliance in Disney vs DC Villains war, Bill Sykes's Alliance in Disney Villains War Reboot, "Phineas and his friends vs Disney and Non-Disney Villains" villains, Cruella's Alliance in Villains War (Legion of Darkness). He is a follower ofTwitch andMadame Mousey, and is voiced by Jeff Bennett. Ash Pan. Patton Sr. | TO BE ADDED! Lock, Shock & Barrel | A list of all the movies, television shows, video games, etc. Found insideWhy exactly is the wicked Queen so nasty, particularly to Snow White? Perhaps it has something to do with the creepy-looking man in the magic mirror who's not just some random spooky visage... This also plays on the stereotype of Dobermans being savage, vicious, dangerous, and used often as attack or guard dogs. Leland Drury | Bori Khan | Nizam | Oogie Boogie | Supervisor | Star vs. the Forces of Evil Villains | 0. When Fagin tells Sykes about Oliver's owner being rich, shows him Oliver as proof, and that they're coming tonight to get the cat back properly and loudly this time, Sykes, convinced, has his dogs pull back from Dodger and tells Fagin he has twelve hours to pay him his money back as his "last chance" when feeding dog biscuits to his dogs while Fagin and Oliver come to Dodger's aid after Dodger lays injured and unconscious with severe (but invisible) injuries from the Dobermans' attack. Rosie Little | Cave of Wonders | Rat | Oliver & Company Angelica Teach | Mr. Jack and Ralph | Lumpjaw | Sark | Bill Sykes | Story appearances Unfortunately for Sykes, Xanatos is ready for the attack and summons his fairy friend, Puck, to help him. He is one of Shrek's best friends, Dragon's husband, and the Dronkeys' father. Anastasia Tremaine | Pain & Panic are two shape shifting imps who are minions of Hades from Disney 1997 movie Hercules. They are the secondary antagonists of the film. Charles Hendrickson | King Leonidas | Roscoe Blvd. Sea Monkeys | Ian the Gator | Sykes' Warehouse Jenny | Disney Villains. Sugar Plum Fairy | Flotsam & Jetsam | DeSoto appears in the episode "Pluto Saves the Day" with in the Pet Shop Dogs band singing "Everybody Wants to Be a Woof". They both come off as smooth talking mobster-like goons who don't mind playing with their victims. Stromboli | Ashley first appears in The Loft, and after hearing that Trevor has killed Carly, she tells him that her debts are now his, as Carly stole an expensive diamond ring from Ashley before she died. Fritz | Lola. Kuzco | At the time, the Olympus-Underworld world was known as Sheol. Chronicles the lives and work of the "inspirational sketch" artists who created the look and feel of Disney's films Pixar Villains' Defeats. While spending the day in the Robinson household, Wilbur’s best friend Lewis helps search for Grandfather Robinson’s missing false teeth in this classic picture book from William Joyce that inspired the Disney animated sci-fi comedy, ... DeSoto (or a reasonable facsimile) appears in "To the Rescue" as a guard dog at the pound and as a dog named Killer in "A Lean on the Property". This dictionary introduces young readers to the world of deadly creatures, from grizzly bears, lions and pythons to black widow spiders, poison-dart frogs and royal flycatchers. Bradley Uppercrust III | They are both loyal to him. Latham Cole | Comte de Rochefort | Ronno | Card Soldiers | and chuckles sinisterly. Jafar | Hamish Ascot | Rico | Jacques Lebeau | Thantos DuBaer | Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Bandar Log (1998) | The fairy electrocutes Roscoe before he can even attack. Friends on the Other Side | Ab Cross | Roscoe & DeSoto | Chandra | Maestro Forte | Madam Mim | Injun Joe | Frozen Villains | Kingdom Hearts Villains | Rooster and Lily St. Regis | Roscoe and DeSoto are the secondary antagonists in Disney's twenty-seventh full-length animated feature film Oliver & Company. Wolf's Owner | No information Flotsam and Jetsam are the moray eel minions of the sea witch Ursula. Cyclops' death. Zira | Villains | Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Dr. Facilier | Arpine Lusene | Roscoe and DeSoto. Found insideSpiced with lots of information about the characters in HOLES, as well as lots of do's and don'ts for survival, this is an essential book for all those hundreds of thousands of HOLES' fans. Rinzler | Zaphod Beeblebrox | King Runeard | Roscoe and DeSoto appear as the main antagonists to Oliver and the gang while, Roscoe and DeSoto are the first two Disney villains to be killed via electrocution (due to them being tossed out of Sykes' car and onto the subway's third rail), followed by. The two evil dogs chase Fagin and the gang on the street but luckily, they are able to outrun them until Sykes and his dogs give chase in his car. Sa'Luk | Sarah Sanderson | Were-Rat | Milady de Winter | Haunted Mansion Villains | Princess January | Gazeem | She solely communicates by talking with signs. Vikings | Erik Hellstorm | He and Desoto are the dogs of Mr. Sykes, and the rivals of Dodger and his gang. Pain and Panic are the secondary antagonists of Hercules. Buzz Lightyear of Star Command Villains | Chuck Norris explains his beliefs about Zen and everyday life, describing his acting career and martial arts training and sharing his Zen-based philosophies regarding stress, overcoming failure, achieving self-confidence, and becoming ... Shere Khan (1994) | Hades | Gerda | Ursula | Both dogs speak with a soft Italian accent, in reference of the Italian Mafia. Ashton Carnaby | You can help Movie Villains Wiki by expanding it. Bill Sykes's dogs Roscoe is a dog in Oliver and Company. PAT | Borei is a minor antagonist in the horror puzzle video game Fancy Island. Dark | Pluto's Devil | Edit source. Brutus and Nero may have also inspired the pets of several other Disney villains: Felicia - Ratigan 's cat in The Great Mouse Detective; Gwythaints - The Horned King's dragons in The Black Cauldron; Roscoe and DeSoto - Bill Sykes 's Dobermans in Oliver & Company; Flotsam and Jetsam - Ursula 's moray eels in The Little Mermaid Flotsam and Jetsam are the moray eel minions of the sea witch Ursula. DeSoto appears in the song "Everybody Wants to Be a Woof" in House of Mouse. Stepmother | The Watcher | “Compulsive reading—a wonderful account, both scholarly and gripping, of a horrifying episode in the history of the west.” —Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. The tragedy of the Donner party constitutes one of the most amazing stories of the ... They both come off as smooth-talking, mobster-like goons who don't mind playing with their victims. Smith & Wesson | Amblin Entertainment villains deafet. Occupations Claude Frollo | Wolves | The characters Cane 1 and Cane 2 (Dog 1 and Dog 2) in the Italian series, Roscoe has the same name of the late actor Roscoe Lee Browne who gave the voice of Francis in. Desoto kicked Dumbo, knocking him down. Flotsam and Jetsamare the secondary antagonists inThe Little Mermaid. Solego the Chaos God | Roscoe and DeSoto stopped by Dodger as he protects Oliver. Velma as Mac. James Hook|Captain Hook | In reply, Roscoe smashes their TV and says, "See? Above average strength and speedIntelligenceSharp teeth and clawsBrute strength Mezmeron as Fagin. Kron | Queen Narissa | Man | Ramsley | Lloyd Halverson | Toon Patrol (Smartass, Greasy, Psycho, Wheezy & Stupid) | Found insideRead along with Disney! TO BE ADDED! Muriel and Floyd originally worked for Martin Brisby who has turned evil. Animated Features 5 years ago. Parker | Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. Lil Lightning | Feature films Roscoe seemed to be the more cool-headed of the two, while DeSoto is a bit more vicious, shown when DeSoto displayed a desire to eat Oliver (failed), while Roscoe thought it would be better to heed their master, Sykes' call. Cherokee | Popov | Clayton's Pirates | Beauty and the Beast Villains | Black Guards | Roscoe and DeSoto shooing Fagin away so as to talk to their master, Sykes. Rourke's Mercenaries (Helga Sinclair) | Donkey is the deuteragonist of the Shrek franchise. They provide comic relief in the film Hercules. Tarzan Villains | When Dodger and the gang sneak into the warehouse, one of the dogs, Georgette, screams because of a broken nail, alerting Roscoe and DeSoto. Ginarrbrik | Pap Finn | Alonzo Hawk | This street-smart stray dog has been secretly working with the High Council for a long time. Blue Sky Studios villains deafet. No information Jack Frost | Shifu as Fowler. Roscoe and DeSoto are two Doberman dogs belonging to the loan shark, Sykes. Stabbington Brothers | Princess Eilonwy of Llyr is the tritagonist in Disney's 1985 animated feature film, The Black Cauldron and Taran's love interest. Partners in Crime When Jean Bob attempts to get flowers for Odette, the alligators try to eat him, but he escapes thanks to Odette. Pat and Stanley TV Show Spoof. Later, he is seen fighting off, along with the quartet and later Pluto and Pete. Scab and Scraw | Rhino Guards | Gargoyles Villains | Boogeymen | Troy McGinty | Thomas Jefferson | Swearing revenge, the two dogs hunt down their enemy. 0. Tick Tock | Yeti (Matterhorn Bobsleds), See Also Red Stick | Hun Army (Hayabusa & Elite Hun Soldiers) | Peg Leg Pete | Diablo the Raven. There is a place called Pain Lane, possibly named after Pain. Gem | Honest John | Roscoe and DeSoto are the first two Disney villains to be killed via electrocution (due to them being tossed out of Sykes' car and onto the subway tracks' third rail), followed by, Roscoe and DeSoto are the second animal characters to have the following features: being two (almost) identical pets of the main villain, the secondary antagonists of their movie and being villainous and intimidating. However, as the cage broke open, the prisoner within was revealed to be none other than the Atlantean Princess Kida.As Kida's powers threatened to bring the building down, both heroes and villains fled for their lives. Then, he orders Roscoe and DeSoto to sniff around the place for intruders after hearing a noise. Back in Castle Grimhilde, the villains prepared themselves for their final stand as the heroes and Frollo breached the keep.When the League of Gentlemice was attacked by Roscoe and Desoto, Basil called in Pongo and Perdita, who knocked the other dogs out the castle windows to their deaths. Neither are very intelligent or especially loyal to him, and serve Hades only because they fear him and possibly because he owns their souls. Red Queen | Dodger manages to jump aboard also and jumps on Roscoe who later grabs a hold of Dodger's bandanna after being thrown out of the car's back window by Dodger. Intimidate the crime boss Bill Sykes was prowling a neighborhood, searching for item... Bill Sykes is the one in red and DeSoto in quick succession Company, the Joker 's girlfriend, the! Fantasy epic the Chronicles of Prydain has n't returned Sykes drives off to David... Are mostly good, but their means of getting there are evil wear a! 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